Business Challenge.

Drafting medical summaries is largely a manual process. Physicians typically spend 4x more time on medical summaries than on seeing the patient.

Many factors contribute to the lengthy process, including gathering unstructured doctors’ and nurses notes, lab and imaging tests, medication history, family and social history. ​

The task becomes even more difficult when the patient has a complex medical history and multiple conditions that may affect each other.​

The automation + generative AI solution.

  • tick Various medical records (diagnoses, symptoms, medications, and lab results) are collected and synthesized by a system of automation and intelligent document processing powered by generative AI to extract the relevant information.
  • tick Physicians can initiate the workflow to generate a medical summary based on the extracted information from directly within the electronic health record (EHR) software via Automation Co-Pilot.
  • tick Once reviewed, Automation Co-Pilot automates the steps to make the summary available to the provider and creates a copy in the EHR for future reference.

Cut physician admin time by 80%

Saving 70-80%

of time spent by a physician on synthesizing and summarizing a patient's medical status.


physician turnover, errors, and improve care outcomes.​​


creating similar patient assessments across nurses and allied healthcare personnel. ​

Create medical summaries 70% faster than before with automation + AI.

See how generative AI reduces time to create medical summaries from 16 minutes to 5 minutes.​

Co pilot

Physician requests for patient medical summary


Received by secure EHR messaging portal​ ​ ​

document automation

Document Automation applied to process various medical records as needed


Automation accesses data stores​

Document Automation if needed​

Generative AI

                                                Generative AI

Generative AI synthesizes, understands context

human interaction


Physician specifies type of summary required

C O M P O N E N T S​
  • checkmarkDemographics / financial / SDOH
  • checkmark Medical history
  • checkmark Medication history​
  • checkmark Lab, test, imaging results​
  • checkmark Treatment history / progress​
  • checkmarkConsultation reports​
  • checkmark Discharge summaries​
  • checkmark Summary & prognosis​
  • checkmark Additional information​
automatehuman interaction
Physician reviews​
  • checkmarkDocument in EHR​
  • checkmark Refer to specialist​
  • checkmarkPrior authorization​
  • checkmarkClaim denial​
  • checkmark Case presentation​
Human interactionGenerative AI

                                                Generative AI

Physician responds using Automation Co-Pilot



human interaction

Human interaction

 Generative AI

Generative AI

 Automation Co-Pilot

Automation Co-Pilot

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